Your Own Mobile App!!!

Thursday 9 August 2012

The 3D's

No this is nothing to do with TV or the Movies, though the outcome could be as prolific.

The 3 D's, Direction, Desire and Determination. Live by these 3D's and you will achieve your goals. It will also eradicate Procrastination forever! Gone will be those days of 'everything is too difficult', 'I can't do this, nothing is working', 'I'll get that done tomorrow', then tomorrow never comes.

Here is something for you to read - click here - it is now what I refer to almost daily to keep me motivated and pursuing my goals and keeping on the very difficult path avoiding Procrastination.

Take each of the D's and analyse each one. What Direction are you going in, which Direction do you want to go in? How strong is your Desire, are you passionate about your direction, does it get you out of bed every morning keen and eager to get on with it. How Determined are you to succeed, will you keep going at all cost whatever life throws at you, or are you going to give it a go for a few weeks.

Good luck, and KEEP GOING!!!

Tuesday 19 June 2012

Blog Link

I have a Blog Link for you to keep things separate. This blog will concentrate on the dreaded evil of Procrastination and how to avoid and overcome it, if you are so inclined! And the blog I will be linking you too is for my new venture, which I have touched on here.

I am currently researching some information for you that will help you to learn more about the dreaded procrastination and give you the knowledge and tools with which to overcome it.

One way I have found that really helps me to get motivated, and it really is simple, is to get up early, and I mean around 6.00 - 6.30, I then find I can get started and keep going until 1pm which gives me a full 6 hour shift. I then relax a bit and catch up on personal things for a while, then get back to work around 3pm for another couple of hours or so. This really works for me. If I just lay around in bed until 8am or 9am it than takes me so much longer to get going, if at all!!. So there is an easy one for you.....

Click: Blog Link - see you on the other side!!!

Monday 18 June 2012

Are YOU taking Control

I've found some great tools for helping you (and me!) get those things done that are important to both your personal and business life.

I will be sharing them here in the course of this week. There are FREE versions of everything that is recommended so you only need to spend money if you want to!

In the meantime, don't forget to check out this LINK NOW!

Tuesday 12 June 2012

Taking Control

"The truth is that your life is your responsibility; the choices you made yesterday created the life you have today." Sunil Bali.

How true is that? When I sat and reflected over that statement, it suddenly became clear that I really do need to just 'get on with it' and stop poncing about!

I spend a lot of time 'working' on my computer, convincing myself that I am getting ahead and helping my business to grow. The simple fact is that I am just treading water, stagnating in a pool of self belief that is so fundamentally flawed that if I don't 'get out', and quick, I am in danger of drowning.

Why am I like this? What motivates 'dreamers', those so lost in the misconception that they are doing things 'right' when clearly they are just 'pretending', putting off what they really should be doing, looking busy, convincing people they are working. Sound familiar?

The fact is, I am one of those people, pretending that I don't have to leave my computer to be successful, taking the less painful route. It comes from a working life of 'provision', not having to 'look' for work, just merely turning up ............ again!

Well, it's time to Take Control, make the choices count, and so should you, by Clicking Here!

Friday 8 June 2012

Procrastination Aside

I've been guilty of sitting on my laurels!!! however, I have been looking after my wife who hasn't been very well.

This is my third week in my new networking business and I have just 2 customers to date. Haven't been promoting as much as I should due to my wife's illness, but I have had some interest from the limited amount of work that I have done.

To view the opportunity, GO HERE now!

Tuesday 5 June 2012

Completely off the subject

As the Jubilee celebrations end the Greatness of this little Nation lives on. Now its back to work tomorrow. On reflection, the last 3 days are a perfect example of people working together.

Monday 4 June 2012

Nearly the end!

Just before I sit down to watch the Jubilee Concert I thought I'd catch up with you. My wife has been ill for the last week, two days of which were spent in hospital, so my mind has been elsewhere. Everything is getting back to normal now so It's eyes down and look in for some interesting things coming your way this week.